Chris Korsak

Branding, headshot, and product photographer - Portland, OR

Experimental portrait where the model is dissolving into the environment

Dissolving Into My Surroundings

August 15, 2021

I recently collaborated with a model named Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland. We incorporated the concepts of lucid dreaming, connecting with a location’s collective memory, and dissolving into the environment into these visuals.

Many of these photos are long-exposures of up to 15 seconds, which create the ephemeral look I was going for. I also used a prism for many of the photos to create little visual artifacts and warp the surroundings. It was so much fun to be this experimental with while shooting portraits, and I’m grateful to Albrey for being such a willing participant!


Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland Experimental portraits of Albrey at Mt. Tabor Park in Portland